Thursday, October 8, 2015

On Opportunity

     Bamboozled is a word that draws me. Most likely this is due to noticing how easily we fall prey to the experience over & over & an always charged battery. People, we all live here on Earth. Focusing on or differences as deterrents as opposed to assets is like believing any sort of stillness is possible on a spinning planet. Not to mention all the movement going on in our bodies. Now, when we decide to take a closer look at the many beliefs that support separation, we might start to recognize how interesting they are. Like religious non-judgment that is so opinionated, or how change is quietly accepted as being difficult. We are the optimal example of change. Blood flows, food digests, tiny beings live and die on us constantly and on and on...
     Besides that; there is an opportunity waiting for us, I've seen it in a vision. All we have to do is listen to Rodney King...we just have to get along. When we focus on the magic of life, it is not so difficult. All the war, bombing and other craziness and we are still here. Isn't that a miracle? There is major war occurring right now, bombs dropping everyday somewhere...and the planet keeps sustaining us?
     We have a choice, our perspective determines our experience. Technology is supposed to be our tool. A method for acceleration, remember the Jetson's cartoon? We could be there, for many things desire gets the ball rolling. This is one of them. Do not more of us on the planet want peace than not. The more peace we have the more partying there will be. Yes partying is a peaceful experience when not falling for the bamboozled game.
     At the end of the day opportunity is key. Recognizing your existing inner-peace let's you always come back to your balance; no matter how far away you may stray. Awareness allows a knowing of there being more to you than your body. Accepting this from knowing as opposed to learning makes it an unshakable gift. One that is always available, whether used or not. Come on........

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