Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We have so much access to so much information, with so many opportunities to sign up to so many things....running from the world could be easily attained...if that were the choice. Many of us are in the constant juggle of the physical and virtual world, working out time schedules. Took a step back recently and really took a look at what sites I signed up with. That was when I realized I couldn't tell. I often have a tendency- if an invite enters my world when I am busy-  of signing up to anything that seems interesting. That is all well and good, it is just that, apparently, I did that A LOT! So now if not for the occasional, (we have not heard from you in a while" or "Your account is about to expire" and similar reminders) I have visions of being lost in cyber world with accounts calling, running after me waiting their turn to be updated.

The trick is deciding how many accounts should be assessable on the phone. Having gone through a few models from updates, drops, and lack of resuscitation, along with trying different companies just because I can...the ease of social media usage has goes up and down. Each phone has it own usage style. Then there are all the passwords, some apps do not let you use previously used passwords twice....why not? Somedays I dedicate time to having passwords in queue, waiting their turn of usage.

So here is what prompted this writing. I have two Linkedin accounts. This was not planned. The first one began when Linkedin was starting to become popular. The second one was about a year later when an invite arrived in one of my other email accounts during "busy time". One day I could not ignore the fact that something odd was going on ith Linkedin.  I kept getting a reminder that I hadn't responded to someone. Kept checking, and did not see anything. Then the 'aha' moment came. I activated two separate accounts and did not realize it.

It is really funny to see a me seeing myself in the "people you may know" area. I wrote to Linkedin asking if the two accounts could be combined. Some standard response came. I guess I will have to work it out on my own.....

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